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Design Responsibly with Ecological Fibers

Design Responsibly with
Ecological Fibers

Creating Solutions

When Ecological Fibers was founded in 1972, founder Stephen Quill vowed that no employee of Ecological Fibers would ever become ill because of working conditions or materials used during production. Steve also believed that our neighbors should have complete trust that our facilities would not produce emissions or pollution that would put them or their loved one’s health in jeopardy.

Over 50 years later, Ecological Fibers stands out as the leader in environmentally sound covering materials, with the lowest carbon footprint in the industry. We vow to always search for innovative ways to be the leading example of how a company should operate.

What project are you working on?

Let us help you find the right material for the job!

Package Coverings

Structural Packaging


Check out some examples of our materials being used!

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Solvents and the damage they leave

Stay in the Loop

Our blog is the go-to spot for new product announcements, featured projects, and learning about our sustainable practices!

Green Initiatives

We were green long before it became an industry norm. From removing solvents from our facilities and materials, to creating the industry’s first 100% organic, plastic-free coating, Ecological Fibers has consistently shown that “ecological” is more than just a name.

Crafting Corner

Our monthly For The Crafters newsletter is your one-stop shop for all things crafty! Each newsletter contains an Amazon coupon for our featured product, a free SVG file, and a showcase on what other crafters are creating with our products!